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Meet Wendy

Wendy C. Morris, M.A. has worked at the intersections of human development, organizational change and community innovation for over 20 years. She is internationally recognized as a master facilitator of learning, leadership development, and systems change.


Wendy has worked with dozens of organizations and thousands of changemakers from government, philanthropy, higher education, corporate, community and non-profit sectors in Asia, South America, North America, and Europe.

As a strategist, coach, speaker, and writer, Wendy brings a systems approach to complex challenges, with skills in collaborative problem-solving, cross-sector partnerships, and intercultural communications. A Qualified Administrator of the Intercultural Development Inventory / IDI, Wendy’s global lens helps changemakers effectively bridge cultural differences.

Wendy grew up performing at Lincoln Center with the Metropolitan Opera Ballet, and New York City Opera. Somewhere between touring the world as a performance artist and teaching at prominent leadership centers around the globe, Wendy discovered she had a gift for helping people learn to influence change in complex systems. Drawing on her background in collaborative art forms like opera, dance and theater, she designs unique learning experiences that enable changemakers to shift mindsets and embody new frameworks for collective innovation.

Wendy collaborates with several global networks for change including Human Systems Dynamics Institute, Art of Hosting network, and Presencing Institute. She has a Master’s Degree in Human Development, and is affiliated with two research and training centers at the University of Minnesota: The Humphrey School of Public Affairs Center for Integrative Leadership, and The Center for Spirituality and Healing. Wendy’s life and work are informed by 19,000 hours of mindfulness training, embodiment practice, and somatic education.

Two of Wendy’s career highlights are stewarding Creative CityMaking, a 3-year pilot to advance equity goals in Minneapolis city government, which is now an ongoing program; and co-founding the Creative Community Leadership Institute (CCLI), a cross-sector leadership initiative that Wendy co-facilitated for 17 years as CCLI grew into a collaborative network of 250 of the upper Midwest region's most active and innovative changemakers.

Wendy's work has received over 25 awards for excellence in leadership, interdisciplinary practice, and the arts including major fellowships from the Bush Foundation, the McKnight Foundation, the Jerome Foundation, and the National Endowment for the Arts.

She plays well with others.


 Professional Affiliations, Certifications, Awards

  • Kinetic Awareness Center, NYC, Certified Kinetic Awareness Teacher

  • Learning Methods coaching methodology, Toronto, CA Affiliate

  • L.G.S.W. / Licensed Graduate Social Worker State of Minnesota (Inactive Status)

25+ awards including major fellowships from Bush Foundation, McKnight Foundation, Jerome Foundation, and National Endowment for the Arts


 Wendy’s Toolbox / Additional Training

The theory and practice that undergirds Wendy's work is informed by studies with the following practitioners and organizations, many of whom have become long-standing colleagues, associates, and collaborators


Systems thinking, change theory and innovation processes

  • Polarity Management / Barry Johnson

  • Leadership in Networked and Emergent Systems / Tom Hurley

  • Creative Problem Solving / Creative Problem Solving Institute

  • Theory U / Otto Scharmer, Arawana Hayashi, Presencing Institute

  • Synectics Creative-Problem-Solving Methodology / George Prince, Marvin Smith

  • Human Systems Dynamics / Glenda Eoyang

Coaching, inquiry, communication and presentation skills

  • Learning Methods - interview skills for coaching and problem solving / David Gorman

  • Interpersonal Communications Programs Instructor / Sherod Miller, Dan Wackman

  • Non-Violent Communication / Marshall Rosenberg, Yvette Erasmus

  • The Communication Studio / Ellen Anderson

  • Critical Response Process / Liz Lerman

  • The Work / Byron Katie, Caitlin Frost, Lee Ann Paradise

Mindfulness Meditation, Somatics and Body-Mind Integration - over 20 years of study and teaching

  • Mindfulness Meditation – training since 1990 with master teachers; 6 weeks of silent retreat at Insight Meditation Society, Barre, Massachusetts

  • Leadership Embodiment / Wendy Palmer

  • Body-Mind Centering – 25 years of training / Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen and School for Body-Mind Centering

  • Kinetic Awareness – 8 years of training / Elaine Summers

  • Alexander Technique / Marjorie Barstow and 12 other teachers

  • Feldenkrais Method / Marie Larkin, Donna Clark

  • Laban Movement Analysis / 11 teachers

Neuroscience, adult learning and curriculum design

  • Workshops and programs since 1998 with leaders in the fields of neuroscience, interpersonal neurobiology, and brain-compatible learning / Marion Diamond, Richard Davidson, Daniel Siegel, Norman Doidge, Eric Jensen, and Pat Wolfe

  • Corporeal Epistemologies: Body and Knowing Across the Disciplines / Institute for Advanced Studies, University of Minnesota, Faculty Seminar

  • Curriculum Development for the Adult Learner / Metropolitan State University

Facilitation, participatory change practices, conflict transformation and cross-cultural relations

  • Art of Convening / Craig Neal, Patricia Neal

  • Open Space Technology / Harrison Owen, Diane Gibeault, Lisa Heft, Michael Herman

  • Process Work & World-Work / Arnold Mindell, Amy Mindell

  • Art of Hosting and Harvesting Conversations That Matter / Art of Hosting network

  • ToP / Technologies of Participation Facilitation Methods / Linda Alton, Sue Laxdal

  • ToP / Technologies of Participation Facilitation Graphics / Cheryl Kartes

  • Deep Democracy / Myrna Lewis, Sera Thompson

  • Circle Way / Christina Baldwin, Ann Linnea

  • World Café / Amy Lenzo

  • Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument / PDI
